How to find us

Edward Alleyn House is located on College Road, Dulwich, London SE21 7AS.


Please note, there is no off-street parking. Street parking is available in the vicinity and in Dulwich Park, during the park opening hours.

By train

West Dulwich station (10 minutes' walk). On the main line from Victoria to Beckenham Junction, Bromley and Orpington. Trains leave Victoria every 15 minutes and the journey takes 12 minutes.
North Dulwich station (10 minutes' walk). On the line from London Bridge to East Croydon.

By bus

The P4 (from Lewisham to Brixton) stops in front of the almshouse by the entrance to Dulwich Park. There are other buses that run along the South Circular or along Lordship Lane on the other side of Dulwich Park.