Chi Kung Exercise Group
The College Ward Councillors gave the Almshouse a £500 grant from its Neighbourhood Fund for an activity for the residents.
The money is being spent providing the residents with a form of gentle exercise.
Chi Kung is a very gentle form of exercise, originating in China. The movements are very gentle and there are a precise set of movements which are believed to be invigorating and rejuvenating with the ability to heal chronic injuries and illnesses. The exercise also involves deep breathing and relaxation which are also considered to have beneficial effects on health and well being.

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.
On the 20th December the residents, and outreach beneficiaries along with some of their carer's joined the Trustees and staff at the Annual Christmas Lunch.
For some years the lunch has been held in Old Library in Dulwich College. The residents were taken to and from Dulwich College in the new Ashton Edward Trust mini bus.
On the 5th December some of the residents of the Almshouse took advantage of an invitation to the dress rehearsal of Grease, a joint production between the senior pupils of Dulwich College and JAGS. It was a wonderful evening greatly enjoyed by all that went. The residents were staggered by the talent of the actors and musicians. A truly uplifting performance and a great start to the Christmas festivities. Many of those who went would not normally have ventured out in the dark evening but were so pleased that they had done so. Many thanks to the boys and staff of Dulwich College who had arranged this and had made everybody feel so welcome.

90th Birthday of Joan North
On Tuesday 8th November one of our Residents, Joan North celebrated her 90th Birthday. On Monday 7th Joan invited the Residents of the Almshouse to join her for lunch in the guest room which we use for social gatherings. Joan’s daughter Jackie came along and helped with the food and drink. Everyone had a lovely lunch and enjoyed the afternoon.
Joan has been an Almshouse Resident since 2007 and loves living in the Almshouse. Joan’s family say that they have great peace of mind knowing that she is safe and secure.
On the day of Joan’s Birthday, she received many presents cards and flowers. Joan came along to our new Chi Kung group and everyone sang Happy Birthday. That evening the celebrations continued when Joan’s family took her to a local restaurant for a very special dinner.
Hold the front page - The Dulwich Diverter
At the end of October the Dulwich Almshouse residents were visited by two groups of journalists. Over a lunch prepared by the Warden they chatted amongst other things about their lives now in the Almshouse, where they lived before and Christmases past and present.
To read the full Article in Dulwich On View click the link below. The 2 page spread was published in Issue 4 of the Dulwich Diverter and can be read on pages 25 and 26. Bettys photos made the front page of the Dulwich Diverter.
To read the article published in 'Dulwich On View' click here
Elsie Taylor Memorial Service 18th November 2016
On Friday afternoon 18th November a memorial service was held to celebrate the life of Elsie Taylor. The service was held in Christ's Chapel which is situated next door to the Almshouse.
Elsie had been a resident of the Dulwich Almshouse for 25 years from 1991 until earlier this summer. The residents supported by the Shelley Miles the Warden and the Foundation Chaplain, the Rev John Watson, had agreed the contents of the service. They had jointly written the tribute which was read by Mr Nigel Fletcher, a former Chair of Trustees.
The Chapel of Christ’s Chapel of God's Gift 400 year anniversary
2016 marks the 400 year anniversary of the consecration of Christ’s Chapel of God’s Gift in Dulwich Village. The Chapel has The Dulwich Estate Office to one side and we the Dulwich Almshouse, on the other.

The History of the Dulwich Almshouse
To celebrate our 400th Anniversay Dulwich Almshouse have published "The History of the Dulwich Almshouse 1616-2016" by Mr Brian Green the eminent local historian, it was launched at a reception on Wednesday 7th September. Read more and download The History of the Dulwich Almshouse 1616-2016 here...
Residents Summer Outing
On Tuesday 12th July the Residents had their summer outing to Eastbourne. 11 Residents and 5 Helpers went along. The rain stayed away whilst we were out and only started on the way home so we were very lucky.
Recording Star
On a very warm and sunny afternoon in July, Carol Calver and Catrin Waugh went to Dulwich College to record a short piece on the Almshouse. Dulwich College is recording a number of pod casts which relate to different aspects of the Foundation over the past 400 years.

400th Anniversary
2016 is a very special year for the Dulwich Almshouse. The first residents moved into the Almshouse in September 1616. We are therefore celebrating this landmark occasion in a number of ways.
Spring Outing 2016
On Tuesday 26th April the Residents went on an outing to the Polhill garden centre first visiting the carvery which is just opposite Polhill.
The Residents were joined by three of the Befriender group and Jade, Mr Johnson’s carer, the Deputy Warden and the Warden.
The Residents always enjoy a trip to the Carvery and Polhill is one of their favourite days out, as this gives them the opportunity to do some shopping.
We arrived home about 5.30pm and everyone had a good day.
100th Birthday Celebrations
On Sunday 20th March 2016, Caroline Calver, one of the Almshouse Residents reached the age of 100. This is the first time we have had a Resident reach a centenary and everyone was very excited.