Dulwich Almshouse Charity putting The Old Grammar School to good use
We have gained some much-needed extra space at The Old Grammar School in Dulwich.
This has kindly been provided by The Dulwich Estate, and will allow us to support work by partner organisations. It also means we can expand some of our activities for residents to include other older people living nearby.
The first partner to use the space was Link Age Southwark, which held one of its regular induction days for volunteers there last Saturday.
Catrin Waugh, chairperson of the Dulwich Almshouse Charity (DAC), said the new space is of huge benefit, ‘We are looking forward to being able to reach out to more older people living locally for activities such as our knit and natter group and Chi Kung exercise class; as well as being able to offer our partner organisations, such as Link Age Southwark, support in their work to help older people.’
Director of Link Age Southwark, Ruth Driscoll said, ‘We were delighted to be able to make use of the DAC’s meeting room for our volunteer induction, as finding a large enough space to hold these is always a challenge. It gives us more flexibility and we hope to be able to attract even more volunteers to our next one.’
Link Age Southwark is currently looking for more volunteers for its ‘befriending’ service, which involves approximately one hour volunteering each week to visit an older person for a friendly chat. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Link Age Southwark at 020 8299 2623 or volunteering@linkagesouthwark.org
If you live in Dulwich and are over the age of 60 and interested in more information about the DAC’s activity groups, please email Scheme Manager Shelley Miles at shelley.miles@dulwichalmshouse.org.uk.
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